Department of Computer Scien
ce and Information Engineering
National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN
PROGRAMMING TIMERS IN CAccessing Timer Registers
Example 9-20Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of port P1 continuously
with some delay in between. Use Timer 0, 16-bit mode to generate the delay.
Solution:#include <reg51.h>void T0Delay(void);void main(void){while (1) {
} void T0Delay(){TMOD=0x01;TL0=0x00;TH0=0x35;TR0=1;while (TF0==0);TR0=0;TF0=0;}
FFFFH – 3500H = CAFFH = 51967 + 1 = 51968 51968
μs = 56.384 ms is the
approximate delay