Time Management

(Elliott) #1

desk, clear vs. cluttered, 96–97
determination, 2
The Devil’s Dictionary (Bierce), 16
discipline, 2
distraction, attraction of, 66
Do Not Disturb strategy, 73
Drucker, Peter, 18, 41, 88, 96
The Effective Executive, 77

earning ability, 47–48
educational audio programs, 94
The Effective Executive(Drucker), 77
effectiveness, 55
4 Ds of, 2–3
quadrant of, 50
80/20 rule, 41
eliminating tasks, from to-do list, 37
e-mail, 79–80
as distraction, 66
emotions, 8
enthusiasm, 55
external locus of control, 5

fanaticism, 16
fast thinking, 15, 46
Ferris, Tim, The 4-Hour Workweek, 79
flaws, in plans, 26
focus, 47–52
Ford, Henry, 26, 69
The 4-Hour Workweek(Ferris), 79
frustration, 11

General Motors, 32–33
goals, 17, 20
clarity in, 30
considering, 14
listing tasks to achieve, 26
planning for achieving, 27–28
setting, 32–33
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 26
Goldsmith, Marshall, What Got You
Here Won’t Get You There, 87

habits, 36–37
developing good, 51–52
health, 99
help from others, 28
high-performing people
procrastination by, 67–68
research on attitudes and
behaviors, 21–22
Hill, Napoleon, 14
immediacy, quadrant of, 49
important tasks, vs. urgent, 49–51
inner dialogue, 8
inner life, 99
internal locus of control, 5
interruptions, 73
avoiding by phone, 82
controlling, 75–77
introspection, 21
Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking Fast
and Slow, 15–16
key result areas (KRA), 53–58
definition, 54
key result areas, definition, 56–57
knowledge, need for, 27
latecomer to meeting, options for, 87
Law of Control, 5
Law of Three, 43–45
learning, 93
learning curve, 78
life, meaning and purpose, 11
lists, ABCDE method of, 35–36
long-term perspective, 21–22
low producer, procrastination by,
lunchtime, 73
magazines, reading efficiently, 91
manager, key result areas, 56–57
meaning of life, 11


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