Time Management

(Elliott) #1


unique value to those whale clients. He became clear about where he
was headed and what daily critical actions would get him there. As he de-
veloped a system for powering down the piles of paperwork, his stress
began to subside, and he was able to think straight again. That’s when
we taught him strategies to put him on the fast track to that “quiet confi-
dence” he wanted when entering a room. Within a month, he was meet-
ing with the whales. And within three months, he landed the biggest
deal of his professional career. He ended his business partnership on
amicable terms, spent more time with his new wife and—at long last—
enjoyed the quality of life for which he’d work so hard!
Are you feeling like Stacy or Dan—pushing hard every day just to
stay caught up, but not getting ahead? Are you working hard but not
achieving the financial reward or the quality of life you want? Or are you
making progress, but at great cost to you and your family?
If so, you can learn a better way, quickly. Channeling stress properly
turns coal into diamonds. In later chapters, you’ll learn about all the tools
(and more) Stacy used to get promoted and Dan used to land a whale
client. If you’ve been handling things well in the New Normal, you’ll now
be able to do so with less wear and tear. If you’ve been struggling, you’ll
pick up a toolkit to put you in control. Like Stacy and Dan, as you apply
the skills, you will have greater career satisfaction, improved work-life
balance, and better financial security. You’ll live life more on your own
terms, not just react to it.
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