Time Management

(Elliott) #1

dence and put more pressure on yourself in subsequent situations.
As depicted in Figure 1.1, your thoughts, your physiology and your
responses to the problem form a vicious cycle that I call Survival Un-
der Stress.
The stressors that set Survival Under Stress in motion are infi-
nite: When priorities change. When someone gets competitive with
you. When your income is lower than expected. When you don’t get
feedback after your presentation and wonder if “no news is good
news.” It certainly is going on once your email inbox climbs up to an
impossible number. As Ned Hallowell describes it in his seminal ar-
ticle, “Overloaded Circuits”: “The sufferer doesn’t experience a single
crisis but rather a... never-ending drip of situations perceived as
minor crises. Feeling trapped and wanting to live up to your own and
others’ expectations of you, you ‘suck it up’ and don’t complain as the
workload increases or the results don’t appear. Your attitude is one of

Figure 1.1

Copyright © 2012 Horizon Point, Inc.


Survival Under Stress


American Management Association / http://www.amanet.org
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