Time Management

(Elliott) #1

best, you must have a strong feeling of control in the impor-
tant areas of your business and personal life.

Your Thoughts and Feelings
In psychological terms, each person has a self-concept, an
internal master program that regulates his behavior in every
important area of life. People with a high self-concept
regarding time management see themselves and think about
themselves as being well organized and productive. They are
very much in charge of their lives and their work.
Your self-concept is made up of all of your ideas, pic-
tures, images, and especially your beliefs about yourself,
especially regarding the way you manage your time. Some
people believe themselves to be extremely well organized
and efficient. Others feel continuously overwhelmed by
demands of other people and circumstances.

Beliefs Become Realities
What are your beliefs about yourself and your ability to
manage your own time? Do you see yourself and think about
yourself as a highly efficient and effective time manager? Do
you believe you are highly productive and in complete con-
trol of your life and your work? Whatever your belief, if you
think of yourself as an excellent time manager, you will nat-
urally do those things that are consistent with that belief.
Because your self-concept causes you to continually
strive for consistency between the person you see yourself
as, on the inside, and the way you perform on the outside, if


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