Time Management

(Elliott) #1

  1. Relationship Friction
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Comfortable communicating
    in difficult relationships/
    Don’t expect the person
    to change so am not
    chronically frustrated/Have
    gained cooperation of
    difficult people

  2. Coping
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Have a regular
    practice of healthy
    coping mechanisms/
    Know how to manage
    myself to stay in a
    good state

On how many items did you rate yourself 5 or higher? That's how
much Survival Under Stress characterizes your life. It will be helpful if
you identify a few early warning signs so you can take swift measures to
prevent the response from getting worse and keeping you in the cycle.
What are the canaries in your coal mine? What signs foreshadow that
your stress could get out of hand? A typical early warning sign is the
first time we say to ourselves, “I don’t have time to go to the gym this
week.” Another is when we say something such as, “I’ll just stay up later
to get it all done.” Or maybe it’s the negative tone we use when talking
with someone.
Write down the early warning signs of your stress. Then, you can
be on the lookout for ways to reverse the trend at an earlier stage in
the process.

Someone in my life who is dif-
ficult to deal with and causes
me a lot of stress/Come home
at night talking about this
person who aggravates you (or
bring the stress of the personal
relationship to work)/Feel
victimized/Keep hoping it will
change, but don’t act

Use alcohol or drugs, take pills
to sleep/Stress-related eating/
Don’t cope well


American Management Association / http://www.amanet.org
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