Time Management

(Elliott) #1

Speak to Win
As one of the world’s premier speakers and personal success
experts, Brian Tracy is the ideal instructor. In Speak to Win,
Tracy reveals time-tested tricks of the trade that readers can
use to present powerfully and speak persuasively, whether
in an informal meeting or in front of a large audience.

ISBN: 978-08144-01828

Time Power
Brian Tracy has devoted more than 25 years to studying the
most powerful time management practices used by the
most successful people in every arena. Now, in Time Power,
Brian reveals his comprehensive system designed to help
readers increase their productivity and income exponen-
tially—in just weeks!

ISBN: 978-08144-27859

Through 21 strategy points and dozens of examples, sto-
ries, and quotations from world-class thinkers and corpo-
rate leaders, Brian Tracy will show any company how to
turbocharge its strategy and get its business firing on all

ISBN: 978-08144-29303

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