Time Management

(Elliott) #1

The first is to change your inner dialogue. Ninety-five
percent of your emotions, and your eventual actions, are
determined by the way that you talk to yourself most of the
time. Repeat to yourself, “I am well organized and highly
productive.” Whenever you feel overwhelmed with too much
work, take a time-out and say to yourself, “I am well orga -
nized and highly productive.”
Affirm over and over to yourself that “I am an excellent
time manager.” If people ask you about your time usage, tell
them “I am an excellent time manager.”
Whenever you say that “I am well organized,” your sub-
conscious accepts these words as a command and begins to
motivate and drive you toward actually becoming well
organized in your behaviors.

Visualize Yourself as You Want to Be
The second way to transform your behaviors is to visualize
yourself as an excellent time manager. See yourself as orga -
nized, efficient, and in control of your life. Remember, the
person you “see” on the inside is the person you will “be” on
the outside.
If you are already a well-organized and highly productive
person, how would you behave differently? What would be
different from the way you behave today? Create a picture of
yourself as calm, confident, highly efficient, more relaxed,
and able to complete large amounts of work in a short
period of time.


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