Time Management

(Elliott) #1

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan
Never do anything that is not on your list. If a new task or
project comes up, write it down on your list and set a priority
for it before you start work on it. If you don’t write down new
ideas and activities, and instead react and respond to the
nonstop demands on your time, you will quickly lose control
of your day and end up spending most of your time on activ-
ities of low or no value.
Any time management system is better than no time
management system at all. There are many smartphone
apps to help you manage your time. There are time manage-
ment systems that you can install on your computer. You
can use a written time management system that you carry
with you and update regularly.
Just remember that in the world of work, the only thing
you have to sell is your time. Be sure that you are focusing
your time on the most valuable and important things that
you can do to make the most important contribution to
your business.

The Not-To-Do List
Just as you need a to-do list to guide you through a busy day,
you need a not-to-do list to help keep you on track. These are
things that you decide, in advance, that you are not going to
do, no matter how tempting they may be when they come up.
As Nancy Reagan once said, “Just say no!” Just say no to
any activity that does not represent the highest value of
your time.


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