Time Management

(Elliott) #1

“No” is the greatest time-saving word in the world of
time management. And once you start using this word, it
gets easier and easier to say.
Remember, peopleare the greatest time wasters of all.
When people ask you if you would do something or help
them out in some way, ask yourself, “Would this be the most
valuable use of my time, right now?”
If the answer is “no,” you can graciously reply, “Well,
thank you for asking. Let me think about it and look at my
schedule. I’ll get back to you and let you know whether or
not I can help you out.”
You can wait twenty-four hours, then contact the person
and say that, unfortunately, you are swamped with work
and deadlines at this point, and you won’t be able to help
out. Thank the person for asking for your assistance, and
suggest that “maybe next time” you will have an opening on
your calendar.
Remember, you can only get your time under control if you
stop doing things of low value. As they say, your dance card is
already full. You already have vastly more work than you can
ever get done. You will never get caught up on your current
tasks and responsibilities, let alone the additional tasks and
responsibilities that flow to you every single day. Instead, just
say no. Say it early and say it often. In no time at all, you will
have your time completely under your own control.

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