Time Management

(Elliott) #1

most value to my business?When you analyze your answers,
you will clearly see that only three things you do account
for almost all the value that you contribute. Starting and
completing these tasks is more important than everything
else you do.

Here’s an important point: If you do not know the
answers to these three questions, you are in serious trouble.
You are in great danger of wasting your time and your life at
work. If you do not know the answer to these magic ques-
tions, you will always end up working on lower-value and
often no-value activities.
If you are unclear for any reason, go to your boss. Ask
what your boss thinks are the three most important things
that you do to make your most valuable contribution at
work. Ask your coworkers. Ask your spouse. But whatever
you do, you must know the answers to these three questions.

Pass It Along
Once you are clear about your “big three,” you must help all
the people who report to you gain clarity about their “big
three” as well. There is no kinder or more generous thing that
you can do for your staff members than to help them become
absolutely clear about the most important things that they
do to make the most valuable contribution to your business.
In a well-managed department or organization, employ-
ees know exactly what the most important things are that
they could do to make the greatest contribution. At the same
time, every worker should know what every other worker’s

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