Time Management

(Elliott) #1

you on the payroll?” This is a key organizing question that
you should be asking yourself every minute of every day—
especially when you are overwhelmed by too much to do
and too little time.
A key result area (KRA) can be defined as having three
specific qualities:

1.It is something that you absolutely, positively must
do to fulfill the responsibilities and demands of
your job.

  1. It is something for which you are 100 percent
    responsible. If you do not do it yourself, there is no
    one else who can or will do it for you.

3.It is something that is completely under your con-
trol. You do not need the assistance or participation
of someone else in order to complete this part of
your work.

If you are not sure exactly what your key result areas
might be, go to your boss and ask. Ask your boss, “Why,
exactly, am I on the payroll?”
Surprisingly enough, most bosses won’t know how to
answer this question, either. They have never thought
through why you are on the payroll, or even why they them-
selves are on the payroll. When you ask this question and
force your boss to think it through, you will both become
more productive and effective in your work.


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