Time Management

(Elliott) #1

task, you must shift all of your attention and energy to the
new task. When you turn back to the previous task, you are
simply making a shift of attention, like pointing a light beam
from one target to another. Then, you must bring yourself up
to speed on the old task before you get started again.

Dumb and Dumber
According to USA Today, each time you shift from one task
to another and back again, you burn up a certain amount of
brain energy and intelligence. At the end of a busy day of
multitasking, you can lose as many as ten IQ points. So, you
become progressively dumber throughout the day, ending
the day feeling burned out and often indecisive about the
smallest things, such as what you want to have for dinner or
watch on television that evening.
Multitasking is tempting, but it is an insidious use of
time. It can actually sabotage your career and undermine
your ability to accomplish the most important tasks upon
which all your success depends.

Decide to Concentrate
Resolve today to make it a habit to plan your work carefully,
set priorities, and then begin on your most important task.
Once you have begun on your top task or output, resolve
that you will work single-mindedly, without diversion or dis-
traction, until that task is complete.
One of the techniques used by highly productive execu-
tives is to work at home in the morning or evening, or on the

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