Time Management

(Elliott) #1

Completing Larger Tasks
Henry Ford once wrote, “Any goal can be achieved if you
break it down into enough small parts.”
Any big task that you have to complete can be completed
if you break it down into enough small parts. One of the best
techniques of all is to divide your task into “bite-size pieces.”
Take a piece of paper and write down every small part of the
task that you have to do, in sequence, from the first little job
to the final job that completes the task.
Then, discipline yourself to do “number one” on your
list. Sometimes, the decision to take action on the first step
on a large task makes it easier for you to do the next step,
and the next step, and the next step as well. Sometimes just
forcing yourself to start on a major task will help you to
develop the momentum and energy necessary to work right
through until the task is complete.

The Salami Slice Method
A variation of the “bite-size pieces” technique for overcom-
ing procrastination is called the “salami slice method.” Just
as you would not try to eat a loaf of salami in one bite, you
do not try to do a large task in one time period. Instead, you
salami-slice the task; you reduce the size of the task by slic-
ing off one small part at a time. You then resolve to complete
that one small part before you go on to something else.
Each time you sit down with your major task, especially
if you are overwhelmed with other pressing responsibilities,
resolve to complete one part of the task at a time. Often this

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