Time Management

(Elliott) #1

Gain Extra Hours
Here is yet another great technique that virtually all execu-
tives on the fast track use. It is so simple that it should be ille-
gal. Get up a little earlier and arrive at your office one hour
before everyone else. Use that hour to organize your day and
to get started before there are any possible interruptions.
Then work through lunch and gain one more hour of pro-
ductivity. Finally, stay one hour later, after everyone else has
gone home, and use that time to wrap up your day and com-
plete your most important tasks.
This is an amazing technique! By adjusting your day in
this way, you beat the traffic on your way to work and you
beat the traffic on the way home. In between, you add three
productive hours to each working day. You accomplish two,
three, or even five times as much as the average person who
works regular hours. With this strategy, you can double your
output and transform your career.
Remember, you are a potential genius. One of the areas
where you can demonstrate your creativity is in creating
blocks of time when you can get more done and start
moving ahead faster in your career.


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