Fig. 6 (a) A hypothetical gradient (for example, from GDM) with selected sites (solid circles),
and two candidate sites for selection, A and B (hollow circles). Numbers along gradient are dis-
tances between sites. ED-complementarity of site B (areas with vertical stripes) is 0.045, while
that for site A (areas with horizontal stripes) is only 0.015, reflecting its close proximity to an
already-selected site. ED prefers site B, reflecting the greater count in number of branch/lineages
reducestheMCRproductscorebyonly0.015,whileselectingsiteA reduces the score by a higher
branch/lineagesgain,andsoMCRpreferssiteA. For further information, see text. (b) Given two
candidate sites (hollow circles) and already-selected sites (solid circles),MCRassignsahigher
preference weight to site A, reflecting the large distance from A to the selected site at the other end
of the gradient. ED identifies site B as the site that would fill the largest gap and provide the great-
est gain in branch/lineages representation. (c) There are two candidate sites for selection, A and B
(hollow circles). ED-complementarity values of A and B are shown by respective striped areas.
Site B, selected by ED,providesmorenewbranch/lineages.However,MCRcannotdistinguish
between the two sites
Using Phylogenetic Dissimilarities Among Sites for Biodiversity Assessments...