Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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202 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

Example 1
Determine the weighted average cost of capital for financing, which
is composed of:
25% loans with a before tax cost of capital of 12%/yr and
75% retained earnings with a cost of capital of 10%/yr.
The company’s effective tax rate is 34%.

Cost of CapitalLOANS = 12% * (1 – 0.34) = 7.92%

Cost of CapitalRETAINEDEARNINGS = 10%

Weighted Average Cost of Capital = (0.25)*7.92% + (0.75)*10.00% = 9.48%


A.5.1 After Tax Cash Flows
Taxes are a fact of life in both personal and business decision-mak-
ing. Taxes occur in many forms and are primarily designed to generate
revenues for governmental entities ranging from local authorities to the
federal government. A few of the most common forms of taxes are in-
come taxes, ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, and excise taxes. Cash flows
used for economic analysis should always be adjusted for the combined
impact of all relevant taxes. To do otherwise ignores the significant impact
that taxes have on economic decision-making. Tax laws and regulations
are complex and intricate. A detailed treatment of tax considerations as
they apply to economic analysis is beyond the scope of this appendix and
generally requires the assistance of a professional with specialized train-
ing in the subject. A high level summary of concepts and techniques that
concentrate on federal income taxes is presented in the material which
follows. The focus is on federal income taxes, since they impact most deci-
sions and have relatively wide and general application.
The amount of federal taxes due are determined based on a tax rate
multiplied by a taxable income. The rates (as of April 2000) are determined
based on tables of rates published under the Omnibus Reconciliation Act
of 1993 as shown in Table A-1. Depending on income range, the margin-
al tax rates vary from 15% of taxable income to 39% of taxable income.
Taxable income is calculated by subtracting allowable deductions from
gross income. Gross income is generated when a company sells its prod-
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