Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1
Appendix A 229

Decision Rule: If IRR is unique and IRR ≥MARR, then the investment is

Example 15
Reconsider the thermal window data of Example 13. If the internal
rate of return measure of worth is to be used, is this an attractive invest-

First we note that the cash flow series has a single negative investment,
followed by all positive returns; therefore, it has a unique value for
IRR. For such a cash flow series it can also be shown that as i increases
PW decreases.

From example 11, we know that for i = 15%:
PW = –10000+2525(P|A,15%,3)+3840(P|A,15%,3)*

PW = –10000+2525(2.2832)+3840(2.2832)*
(0.6575) = $1529.70

Because PW>0, we must increase i to decrease PW toward zero for i =

PW = –10000+2525(P|A,18%,3)+3840

PW = –10000+2525(2.1743)+3840(2.1743)*
(0.6086) = $571.50

Since PW>0, we must increase i to decrease PW toward zero for i = 20%:

PW = –10000+2525(P|A,20%,3)+3840

PW = –10000+2525(2.1065)+3840(2.1065)*
(0.5787) = –$0.01

Although we could interpolate a value of i for which PW = 0 (rather than
–0.01), for practical purposes PW = 0 at i = 20%; therefore, IRR = 20%.

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