Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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230 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

Decision: IRR≥MARR (20%>15%); therefore, the window investment is

A.7.5 Saving Investment Ratio
Many companies are accustomed to working with benefit cost ra-
tios. An investment measure of worth, which is consistent with the pres-
ent worth measure and has the form of a benefit cost ratio, is the sav-
ings investment ratio (SIR). The SIR decision rule can be derived from the
present worth decision rule as follows:

Starting with the PW decision rule

PW ≥0

replacing PW with its calculation expression


t = 0


which, using the relationship At = Rt – Ct, can be restated

Σ Rt– Ct P|F,i,t ≥^0

t = 0


which can be algebraically separated into

RtP|F,i,t– CΣ tP|F,i,t ≥ 0

t = 0


t = 0Σ


adding the second term to both sides of the inequality

RtP|F,i,t ≥Σ CtP|F,i,t

t = 0


t = 0Σ


dividing both sides of the inequality
by the right side term
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