Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix A 245

planning horizon is based on company policies or practices. The standard
horizon may require repetition and/or truncation, depending upon the
set of projects being evaluated.

Example 21
Determine the impact of a 5 year standard planning horizon on proj-
ects A, B, C with lives 3, 5, and 6 years, respectively.

With a 5-year planning horizon:

Project A must be repeated one time, with the second repetition truncated
by one year.

Project B is a 5 year project and does not require repetition or truncation.

Project C must be truncated by one year.

There is no single accepted approach to resolving the planning hori-
zon issue. Companies and individuals generally use one of the approach-
es outlined above. The decision of which to use in a particular analysis
is generally a function of company practice, consideration of the reason-
ableness of the project repeatability assumption, and the availability of
salvage value estimates at truncation points.


A.9.1 Introduction
The preceding sections of this appendix outline an approach for con-
ducting deterministic economic analysis of investment opportunities.
Adherence to the concepts and methods presented will lead to sound in-
vestment decisions with respect to time value of money principles. This
section addresses several topics that are of special interest in some analy-
sis situations.

A.9.2 Interpolating Interest Tables
All of the examples previously presented in this appendix convenient-
ly used interest rates whose time value of money factors were tabulated
in Appendix 4A. How does one proceed if non-tabulated time value of
money factors are needed? There are two viable approaches, calculation

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