Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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246 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

of the exact values and interpolation. The best and theoretically correct
approach is to calculate the exact values of needed factors, based on the
formulas in Table A-6.

Example 22
Determine the exact value for (F|P,13%,7).

From Table A-6,

(F|P,i,n) = (1+i)n = (1+.13)^7 = 2.3526

Interpolation is often used instead of calculation of exact values
because, with practice, interpolated values can be calculated quickly.
Interpolated values are not “exact,” but for most practical problems they
are “close enough,” particularly if the range of interpolation is kept as
narrow as possible. Interpolation of some factors, for instance (P|A,i,n),
also tends to be less error prone than the exact calculation due of simpler
mathematical operations.
Interpolation involves determining an unknown time value of money
factor using two known values that bracket the value of interest. An as-
sumption is made that the values of the time value of money factor vary
linearly between the known values. Ratios are then used to estimate the
unknown value. The example below illustrates the process.

Example 23
Determine an interpolated value for (F|P,13%,7).

The narrowest range of interest rates that bracket 13%, and for which
time value of money factor tables are provided in Appendix 4A, is 12%
to 15%.

The values necessary for this interpolation are

i values (F«F,i%,7)

12% 2.2107

13% (F|P,13%,7)

15% 2.6600
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