286 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
Based on extensive user feedback, this version provides greater
internal consistency, more precise definition of M&V Options, and
treatment of additional issues, described below. Additional guidance
is provided on how to adhere to the IPMVP. This edition of IPMVP is
divided into three separate volumes:
Volume I Concepts and Options for Determining Savings
Volume II Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Issues
Volume III Applications
Volume I defines basic terminology useful in the M&V field. It
defines general procedures to achieve reliable and cost-effective deter-
mination of savings. Such definitions then can be customized for each
project, with the help of other resources (see Chapter 1.4 and Chapter
6.2). Verification of savings is then done relative to the M&V Plan for
the project. This volume is written for general application in measuring
and verifying the performance of projects improving energy or water
efficiency in buildings and industrial plants.
Volume I is largely drawn from the December 1997 edition of
IPMVP. Apart from a general refocusing of the document for increased
clarity, the definitions of Options A and B have been significantly modi-
fied in response to reactions received to earlier editions. These changes
now include required field measurement of at least some variables
under Option A, and all variables under Option B. Examples of each
M&V Option have been added in Appendix A. Fortner sections on M&V
for new buildings, residential and water efficiency have been moved
to Volume III. The text has been updated and language tightened to
achieve greater technical consistency and ease of use.
Volume II reviews indoor environmental quality issues as they
may be influenced by an energy efficiency project. It focuses on mea-
surement issues and project design and implementation practices asso-
ciated with maintaining acceptable indoor conditions under an energy
efficiency project, while advising on key related elements of M&V and
energy performance contracts. Volume II is scheduled for publication con-
currently with Volume I.
Volume III is planned for publication in early 2001, and reflects
guidance and input of over 100 international experts. It will review
application specific M&V issues. It is intended to address M&V specif-