Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix B 287

ics related to efficiency projects in industrial processes, new buildings,
renewable energy, water efficiency, and emission trading. This volume
is expected to be an area of continued development as more specific
applications are defined.

IPMVP 2000, in three volumes, introduces new topics of M&V for
maintaining building indoor environmental quality (Volume II) and for
renewable energy projects (Volume III), as summarized below.

Indoor Environmental Quality—Many building energy conservation
measures have the potential to positively or negatively affect indoor pol-
lutant concentrations, thermal comfort conditions, and lighting quality.
These and other indoor environmental characteristics, which are collec-
tively referred to as indoor environmental quality (IEQ), can influence
the health, comfort, and productivity of building occupants. Even small
changes in occupant health and productivity may be very significant
financially, sometimes exceeding the financial benefits of energy con-
servation. Financial benefits resulting from improvements in IEQ can
serve as a stimulus for energy efficiency investments. It is important
that these IEQ considerations be explicitly recognized prior to selection
and implementation of building energy efficiency measures. Volume II
provides information that will help energy conservation professionals
and building owners and managers maintain or improve IEQ when
they implement building energy efficiency measures in non-industrial
commercial and public buildings. This document also describes practical
IEQ and ventilation measurements that can also help energy conserva-
tion professionals maintain or improve IEQ.
Volume II represents a consensus effort of approximately 25
committee members from 10 countries. The final work was then peer-
reviewed by about 40 international experts whose comments and sug-
gestions were incorporated in the final document.

Renewable Energy—The Renewable Energy section that will be part
of Volume III provides a description of M&V Options for renewables
within the IPMVP framework with examples and recommendations for
specific applications. The term “renewable energy” refers to sources of
energy that are regenerated by nature and sustainable in supply. Ex-
amples of renewable energy include solar, wind, biomass (sustainably

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