Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix B 291

tion necessary to build credibility for this emerging industry, helping us to
establish a level of comfort among local players that is essential for broad-based
acceptance in the marketplace. “
The IPMVP has been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and
Ukrainian. The translated versions of the IPMVP in some of these lan-
guages are available through the website
As a result of strong and widespread interest, participation in
developing this third edition has expanded to include a global network
of professionals from around the world and includes national organiza-
tions from 16 countries and hundreds of individual experts from more
than 25 nations. The work was drafted by volunteers serving on com-
mittees composed of leading international experts in their respective
fields. Overall responsibility and direction is provided by the Executive
Committee, composed of a dozen international experts who share a goal
of strengthening and fostering the rapid growth of the energy and water
efficiency industries. Our Financial Advisory Subcommittee has helped
ensure that this document is valuable to the financial community in
facilitating and enhancing efficiency investment financing.

“You cannot manage what you do not measure”—Jack Welch, CEO of
General Electric
When firms invest in energy efficiency, their executives naturally
want to know how much they have saved and how long their savings
will last. The determination of energy savings requires both accurate
measurement and replicable methodology, known as a measurement
and verification protocol.
The long-term success of energy and water management projects
is often hampered by the inability of project partners to agree on an ac-
curate, successful M&V Plan. This M&V Protocol discusses procedures
that, when implemented, help buyers, sellers and financiers of energy
and water projects to agree on an M&V Plan and quantify savings from
Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) and Water Conservation Measure
Simply put, the purpose of the IPMVP is to increase investment in
energy efficiency and renewable energy. The IPMVP does so in at least
six ways:

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