Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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306 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

the intended scope of the project, and determine whether adjust-
ment will be made to post-retrofit conditions or to some other set
of conditions. (These fundamental decisions may be written into
the terms of an energy performance contract.)

2 Gather relevant energy and operating data from the baseyear and
record it in a way that can be accessed in the future.

3 Design the energy savings program. This design should include
documentation of both the design intent and methods to be used
for demonstrating achievement of the design intent.

4 Prepare a Measurement Plan, and a Verification Plan if necessary,
(commonly together called an “M&V Plan”). The M&V Plan fun-
damentally defines the meaning of the word “savings” for each
project. It will contain the results of steps 1 through 3 above, and
will define the subsequent steps 5 through 8 (see Chapter 3.3).

5 Design, install and test any special measurement equipment
needed under the M&V Plan.

6 After the energy savings program is implemented, inspect the in-
stalled equipment and revised operating procedures to ensure that
they conform with the design intent defined in step 3. This pro-
cess is commonly called “commissioning.” ASHRAE defines good
practice in commissioning most building modifications (ASHRAE

7 Gather energy and operating data from the post-retrofit period,
consistent with that of the baseyear and as defined in the M&V
Plan. The inspections needed for gathering these data should
include periodic repetition of commissioning activities to ensure
equipment is functioning as planned.

8 Compute and report savings in accordance with the M&V Plan.

Steps 7 and 8 are repeated periodically when a savings report is
Savings are deemed to be statistically valid if the result of equa-

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