Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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308 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

to verify it. A preliminary energy audit used for establishing the
objectives of a savings program or terms of an energy performance
contract is typically not adequate for planning M&V activities.
Usually a more comprehensive audit is required to gather the
baseyear information relevant to M&V:

— energy consumption and demand profiles

— occupancy type, density and periods

— space conditions or plant throughput for each operating period
and season. (For example in a building this would include
light level and color, space temperature humidity and venti-
lation. An assessment of thermal comfort and/or indoor air
quality (IAQ) may also prove useful in cases where the new
system does not perform as well as the old inefficient system.
See Volume II.)

— equipment inventory: nameplate data, location, condition.
Photographs or videotapes are effective ways to record equip-
ment condition.

— equipment operating practices (schedules and setpoint, actual
temperature s/pressures)

— significant equipment problems or outages.

The extent of the information to be recorded is determined by
the boundaries or scope of the savings determination. The baseyear
documentation typically requires well documented audits, surveys, in-
spections and/or spot or short-term metering activities. Where whole
building Option is employed (Chapter 3.4.3 or Chapter 3.4.4), all build-
ing equipment and conditions should be documented.

  • Identification of any planned changes to conditions of the base-
    year, such as night time temperatures.

  • Identification of the post-retrofit period. This period may be as
    short as a one minute test following commissioning of an ECM,

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