Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix B 309

or as long as the time required to recover the investment cost of
the ECM program.

  • Establishment of the set of conditions to which all energy measure-
    ments will be adjusted. The conditions may be those of the post-
    retrofit period or some other set of fixed conditions. As discussed
    in the introductory remarks of Chapter 3, this choice determines
    whether reported savings are “avoided costs” or energy reductions
    under defined conditions.

  • Documentation of the design intent of the ECM(s) and the com-
    missioning procedures that will be used to verify successful imple-
    mentation of each ECM.

  • Specification of which Option from Chapter 3.4 will be used to
    determine savings.

  • Specification of the exact data analysis procedures, algorithms and
    assumptions. For each mathematical model used, report all of its
    terms and the range of independent variables over which it is

  • Specification of the metering points, period(s) of metering, meter
    characteristics, meter reading and witnessing protocol, meter com-
    missioning procedure, routine calibration process and method of
    dealing with lost data.

  • For Option A, report the values to be used for any stipulated pa-
    rameters. Show the overall significance of these parameters to the
    total expected saving and describe the uncertainty inherent in the

  • For Option D, report the name and version number of the simula-
    tion software to be used. Provide a paper and electronic copy of
    the input files, output files, and reference the weather files used for
    the simulation, noting which input parameters were measured and
    which assumed. Describe the process of obtaining any measured
    data. Report the accuracy with which the simulation results match
    the energy use data used for calibration.

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