Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

310 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

  • Specification of quality assurance procedures.

  • Quantification of the expected accuracy associated with the mea-
    surement, data capture and analysis. Also describe qualitatively
    the expected impact of factors affecting the accuracy of results but
    which cannot be quantified.

  • Specification of how results will be reported and documented. A
    sample of each report should be included.

  • Specification of the data that will be available for another party to
    verify reported savings, if needed.

  • Where the nature of future changes can be anticipated, methods
    for making the relevant non-routine Baseline Adjustmentsl should
    be defined.

  • Definition of the budget and resource requirements for the savings
    determination, both initial setup costs and ongoing costs through-
    out the post-retrofit period.

When planning a savings measurement process, it is helpful to
consider the nature of the facility’s energy use pattern, and the ECM
s impacts thereon. Consideration of the amount of variation in energy
patterns and the change needing to be assessed will help to establish
the amount of effort needed to determine savings. The following three
examples show the range of scenarios that may arise.

  • ECM reduces a constant load without changing its operating
    hours. Example: Lighting project where lamps and ballasts in an
    office building are changed, but the operating hours of the lights
    do not change.

  • ECM reduces operating hours while load is unchanged. Example:
    Automatic controls shut down air handling equipment or lighting
    during unoccupied periods.


  1. The terms in italics are defined in Chapter 6.1

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