Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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312 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

where assumptions can reasonably replace actual measurement.
For example, in an ECM involving the installation of more ef-
ficient light fixtures without changing lighting periods, savings
can be determined by simply metering the lighting circuit power
draw before and after retrofit while assuming the circuit operates
for an agreed period of time. This example involves stipulation of
operating periods, while equipment performance is measured.

The Adjustments term in equation (1) can be of two different

  • Routine Adjustments for changes in parameters that can be ex-
    pected to happen throughout the post-retrofit period and for which
    a relationship with energy use/demand can be identified. These
    changes are often seasonal or cyclical, such as weather or occupancy
    variations. This protocol defines four basic Options for deriving
    routine adjustments. Table B-1 summarizes the various Options.

  • Non-routine Adjustments for changes in parameters which can-
    not be predicted and for which a significant impact on energy
    use/demand is expected. Non-routine adjustments should be
    based on known and agreed changes to the facility. Chapter 4.8
    presents a general approach for handling non-routine adjustments,
    commonly called “baseline adjustments.

Options A and B focus on the performance of specific ECMs.
They involve measuring the energy use of systems affected by each
ECM separate from that of the rest of the facility. Option C assesses
the energy savings at the whole facility level. Option D is based on
simulations of the energy performance of equipment or whole facilities
to enable determination of savings when baseyear or post-retrofit data
are unreliable or unavailable.
An example of the use of each of the four Options is contained in
Appendix A.

3.4.1 Option A: Partially Measured Retrofit Isolation
Option A involves isolation of the energy use of the equipment
affected by an ECM from the energy use of the rest of the facility. Mea-
surement equipment is used to isolate all relevant energy flows in the

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