Appendix B 315 Installation Verification
Since stipulation is allowed under this Option, great care is needed
to review the engineering design and installation to ensure that the
stipulations are realistic and achievable, i.e. the equipment truly has the
potential to perform as assumed.
At defined intervals during the post-retrofit period the installation
should be reinspected to verify continued existence of the equipment
and its proper operation and maintenance. Such re-inspections will
ensure continuation of the potential to generate predicted savings and
validate stipulations. The frequency of these re-inspections can be deter-
mined by the likelihood of change. Such likelihood can be established
through initial frequent inspections to establish the stability of equip-
ment existence and performance. An example of a situation needing rou-
tine re-inspection is a lighting retrofit savings determination involving
the sampling of the performance of fixtures and a count of the number
of fixtures. In this case the continued existence of the fixtures and lamps
is critical to the savings determination. Therefore periodic counts of the
number of fixtures in place with all lamps burning would be appropri-
ate. Similarly, where the performance of controls equipment is assumed
but subject to being overridden, regular inspections or recordings of
control settings are critical to limiting the uncertainty created by the
stipulations. Option A: Measurement Interval
Parameters may be continuously measured or periodically
measured for short periods. The expected amount of variation in the
parameter will govern the decision of whether to measure continuously
or periodically.
Where a parameter is not expected to change it may be measured
immediately after ECM installation and checked occasionally through-
out the post-retrofit period. The frequency of this checking can be de-
termined by beginning with frequent measurements to verify that the
parameter is constant. Once proven constant, the frequency of measure-
ment may be reduced.
If less than continuous measurement is used, the location of the
measurement and the exact nature of the measurement device should
be recorded in the M&V Plan, along with the procedure for calibrating
the meter being used.
Where a parameter is expected to be constant, measurement inter-