328 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
information server at http://www.eren.doe. gov/buildings/tools-directory.
Whole building simulation programs usually involve hourly
calculation techniques. However techniques using ASHRAE’s simpli-
fied energy analysis procedure may also be used if the building heat
losses/gains, internal loads and HVAC systems are simple. ASHRAE’s
procedure features modified bin methods and simplified HVAC system
Many other types of special purpose programs may be used to
simulate energy use and operating conditions of individual components
or industrial processes. HVAC component models are available from
ASHRAE in its HVACO 2 toolkit (Brandemuehl 1993), and for boiler/
chiller equipment in the HVACO 1 toolkit (Bourdouxhe 1994a, 1994b,
1995). Simplified component air-side HVAC models are also available in
a report by Knebel (1983). Equations for numerous other models have
been identified as well (ASHRAE 1989, SEL 1996).
Any software used must be well documented and well understood
by the user. Option D: Calibration
Savings determined with Option D are based on one or more
complex estimates of energy use. Therefore, the accuracy of the savings
is completely dependent on how well the simulation models actual
performance and how well calibrated it is to actual performance.
Calibration is achieved by verifying that the simulation model
reasonably predicts the energy use of the facility by comparing model
results to a set of calibration data. This calibration data should at a
minimum be measured energy consumption and demand data, for the
portion of the facility being simulated. Calibration of building simula-
tions is usually done with 12 monthly utility bills. The calibration data
set should be documented along with a description of its source(s).
Other operating data from the facility can be used as simulation
input data as part of the calibration data set. These data might include
operating characteristics and profiles of key variables such as use and
occupancy, weather, known loads, equipment operating periods and ef-
ficiency. Some variables may be measured for short intervals, recorded
for a day week or month, or extracted from existing operating logs.
Accuracy of measurement equipment should be verified for critical
measurements. If resources permit, actual building ventilation and in-
filtration should be measured since these quantities often vary widely