Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix B 335

If the energy consumption of the metered equipment or systems
varies by more than ten percent from month to month, additional mea-
surements must be taken at sufficient detail and over a long enough
period of time to identify and document the source of the variances.
Any major energy consumption variances due to seasonal production
increases or periodic fluctuations in occupancy or use must also be
tracked and recorded.

When a certain level of efficiency is required either by law or
the owner’s standard practice, savings may be based on the difference
between the post-retrofit energy use and the minimum standard. In
these situations, baseyear energy use may be set equal to or less than
the applicable minimum energy standards. U.S. Department of Energy’s
Building Energy Standards and Guidelines Program (BSGP), available
at, provides
information about residential, commercial and Federal building codes.

An energy efficiency program should not compromise the opera-
tions of the facility to which it is applied without the agreement of the
facility users, whether building occupants or industrial process manag-
ers. Therefore the M&V Plan should record the agreed conditions that
will be maintained (see Chapter 3.3).
Volume II of the IPMVP Concepts and Practices for Improved
Indoor Environmental Quality suggests methods of monitoring indoor
space conditions throughout an energy efficiency program.

Energy cost savings may be calculated by applying the price of
each energy or demand unit to the determined savings. The price of
energy should be the energy provider s rate schedule or an appropriate
simplification thereof Appropriate simplifications use marginal prices
which consider all aspects of billing affected by metered amounts, such
as consumption charges, demand charges, transformer credits, power
factor, demand ratchets, early payment discounts.
An example of the energy cost savings calculation is contained in
Appendix A (Option D).

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