Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

Appendix B 357

  • The boundary of this ECM was drawn to include the ceiling
    mounted lighting circuits fed by the 277 volt supply, and the ra-
    diation heating system. The associated decrease in air conditioning
    load was considered trivial since little of the school is air condi-
    tioned, and most of it is closed for the summer months.

  • The baseyear conditions are those of the 12 months immediately
    preceding the decision to proceed with the project. They included
    a lighting level survey, description location and number of lamps
    ballasts and fixtures.

  • Engineering calculations determined that the ECM would increase
    boiler load by the energy equivalent of 6% of the lighting savings
    from November through March. This number was estimated to
    range between 4% and 8%.

  • The boiler efficiency in winter was estimated to be 79% under
    typical winter conditions.

  • The baseyear fuel use from the gas utility bills from November
    through March is 2,940 × 103 ft^3 (83.25 × 103 m^3 ).

  • The lighting operating periods of the post-retrofit period are se-
    lected as the common set of conditions for the energy use terms
    in Equation 1 of Chapter 3.

  • Baseyear lighting periods were established through one month
    logging of lighting in representative areas. Lighting period logs
    established the following annual load/duration data for the base-

Baseyear Load/Duration
Fraction of Lighting Load On Hours Per Year
9% 240
61% 1,450
15% 2,500
6% 6,100
9% 8,760

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