Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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358 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

  • Due to a change in occupancy patterns planned to take effect
    about the same time as the ECM installation, it is assumed that the
    load/duration profile in the post-retrofit period will be as shown

Stipulated Post-retrofit Load/Duration
Fraction of Lighting Load On Hours Per Year
9% 240
61% 2,000
15% 2,500
6% 6,100
9% 8,760

  • Measurements were made with a recently calibrated RMS power
    meter of the three phase power draw on the 277 volt lighting
    circuits. The manufacturer’s rating on this power meter is ±2%
    of full scale and readings were roughly 50% of full scale. From
    a thirty second measurement on the input side of two lighting
    transformers, it was found that with all fixtures switched on, the
    total power draw was 28.8 kW, though 7 lamps (= 0.3 kW or 1%)
    were burned out at the time of the test. It was determined that the
    fraction burned out at the time of this measurement was normal.

  • The electrical demand for lighting was assumed to be equal to the
    measured circuit load for ten months of the year when school is
    in session. This stipulation may be in error by no more than 3%
    since lighting is the dominant electrical load of the building. Based
    on the utility bills showing a demand reduction during July and
    August, the minimal use of the facility during these months, and
    the other equipment used during the summer, it was assumed that
    the July and August lighting circuit demand is only 5 0% of the
    measured circuit load.

  • The possible errors in the above stipulated post-retrofit lighting
    load/duration profile are:

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