Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

362 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

Baseyear – Post-Retrofit + Adjustment = Savings
Electricity 70,140 – 44,340 + 9,670 = 35,470 kWh

Electric 317 – 176 + 0 = 141 kW-mo

Gas 2,940,000 – 2,943,000 + 0 = –3000 ft^3
(83,250) (83,340) (-84.95 m^3 )

Subsequent years’ savings will be computed identically, from each
year’s measured load on the same electrical panel.
Note that in this example the savings reported are for operations
under post-retrofit period conditions. Therefore the savings can be
called “avoided energy use.”

Option B Example: Boiler Replacement
An office building boiler is replaced with a more efficient boiler.
95% of the load on the boiler is for building heating while 5% is for do-
mestic water heating. There are no changes other than an improvement

Baseyear Energy Use at Stipulated At Baseyear Adjust-
Post-Retrofit Conditions Conditions ment
Fraction of kW On Hours kWh kWh kWh
Lighting Load Per Year
9% 2.6 240 622 622
61% 17.6 2,000 35,144 25,474
15% 4.3 2,500 10,800 10,800
6% 1.7 6,100 10,541 10,541
9% 2.6 8,760 22,703 22,703
Total 128.8 179,8101 70,140 9,670

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