Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

Appendix B 363

in boiler efficiency No other equipment in the building uses gas.

An M&V Plan was developed showing that Option B was to be
used for savings determination because the boiler retrofit for energy
reduction was just part of many non-energy related changes planned
for the building. An outline of the Plan is shown below:

  • The boundary of this ECM was drawn to include only the boiler
    fuel systems. This boundary excludes the electricity associated
    with the boiler auxiliaries of burner and blower. Though less gas
    may be used by the boiler, the power uses of old and new blower
    are expected to be very similar and their operating periods will be
    the same. Therefore the auxiliaries are not expected to change their
    electricity use significantly and can be excluded from the boundary
    of measurement.

  • The baseyear conditions were chosen to be the load pattern of
    typical winter periods before ECM installation.

  • The conditions of the baseyear were chosen as the common set
    of conditions for the energy use terms in Equation 1, since it was
    expected that there would be significant changes in the building’s
    heating loads in the post-retrofit period. It is recognized that the
    reported savings will then be for baseyear conditions, not post-
    retrofit conditions.

  • The baseyear energy use was 35,200 × 103 ft^3 (1,000 × 103 m^3 ) of

  • Before retrofit, boiler efficiency was tested over three separate
    one week periods when average ambient temperature ranged
    from 20°F (– 6.7°C) to 24°F (– 4.4°C) and building occupancy was
    normal. A recently calibrated energy flow meter was installed on
    the boiler, measuring supply and return line temperature and sup-
    ply water flow rate. This meter system with its data capture and
    processing has a manufacturer’s rated accuracy of ±7% for the Btu
    ranges involved in this project. The utility’s gas meter was used
    to measure gas use and is taken as the reference source, i.e. it

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