364 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
has no error. The average efficiency readings for the three weekly
intervals were 66%, 64% and 65%. An overall average efficiency
of 65% was established. Outdoor temperature was measured by
a sensor that was calibrated, twice a year and recorded by the
building control system.
- It is assumed that the percentage change in efficiency measured
under typical winter conditions will prevail in all other conditions.
The error in this assumption is not likely to exceed 5%. - The savings calculation process shown below was summarized in
the M&V Plan. - Savings are to be computed annually for the subsequent year using
boiler efficiency data measured each year. Data from the energy
flow meter and gas meter will be stored for examination by a third
party if needed. - The cost of installing and commissioning the energy flow meter,
was $7,900. The cost of each year’s reading of efficiency, meter
calibration and reporting is $4,000. - Gas and energy flow meter readings will be made daily by build-
ing maintenance staff through winter months until three valid
weeks have been obtained. This data will be logged in the boiler
room and open for inspection at any time. Ambient temperature
data will be recorded by the building automation system and logs
printed for the selected valid weeks. - Energy flow meter calibration will be done annually by xyz con-
tractor immediately before the efficiency testing period begins. Gas
meter direct readings will be corrected for pressure and tempera-
ture by the utility company’s factors for the corresponding period.
These factors will be provided in writing by the utility.
Baseyear Energy Use
The baseyear annual energy use for Equation 1 is 35,200 × 103 ft^3
(1,000 × 103 m^3 ).