Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

Appendix B 377

weather of the baseyear, 1999. The modeled space temperatures
and humidities were again examined to ensure they reasonably
matched the typical range of indoor conditions during occupied
and unoccupied days. This baseyear model was archived, with
both printed and electronic copy of input data, diagnostic reports
and output data. The energy consumption of this model was:

Baseyear Energy Data
Electricity use = 2,97 1,000 kWh
Electric Demand = 6,132 kW-months
Steam = 10.67 × 106 lbs (4.84 × 106 kg)

Post-Retrofit Energy Use
The calibrated model showed the following energy use with the
ECMs in place:

Post Retrofit Energy Data
Electricity use = 1,711,000 kWh
Electric Demand = 5,050 kW-months
Steam = 6.26 × 106 lbs (2.84 × 106 kg)

Routine Adjustments
Routine adjustments are needed to bring baseyear and post-ret-
rofit energy use to the agreed standard set of conditions: post-retrofit
operations and weather of a “normal”’ year. The following steps were

1 The calibrated model was re-run with the ‘normal’ weather data.
The modeled space temperatures and humidities were again ex-
amined to ensure they reasonably matched the typical range of
indoor conditions during occupied and unoccupied days.

2 This calibrated model with “normal” weather was archived, with
both printed and electronic copy of input data, diagnostic reports
and output data.

3 The difference between the two versions of the calibrates model
were computed as the Adjustment term, and is shown below.

4 The baseyear model was re-run with the “normal” weather data.
The modeled space temperatures and humidities were again ex-

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