378 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
amined to ensure they reasonably matched the typical range of
indoor conditions during occupied and unoccupied days.
5 This baseyear model with “normal” weather was archived, with
both printed and electronic copy of input data, diagnostic reports
and output data.
6 The difference between the two versions of the baseyear model
were computed as the Adjustment term, and is shown below.
Baseyear Calibrated
Model Post-Retrofit Total
Adjustment Model Adjustment Adjustment
Electricity 122,000 50,000 172,000
consumption (kWh)
Electric Demand 200 100 300
Steam (10^3 lbs) 521 (-236.3) 1,096 (497.1) 575(260.8)
or (10^3 kg)
From Equation 1, the energy savings at the standard set of condi-
tions are:
Baseyear – Post + Adjustment = Savings
Electricity 2,971,000 – 1,711,000 + 172,000 = 1,432,000 kWh
Demand 6,132 – 5,050 + 300 = 1,382 kW–mo
Steam (10^3 lbs 10,673 – 6,261 + 575 = 4,987
or 10^3 kg) (4,841) (2,840) (261) (2,262)