Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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404 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success


How to Use

Section 4 and 5 of this document introduce IEQ through discus-
sions of IEQ parameters, indoor pollutant sources, IEQ standards, and
methods of maintaining a high level of IEQ. These sections are designed
to educate building energy professionals about IEQ and to provide a
foundation for subsequent sections of the document. Professionals with
a strong working knowledge of IEQ issues can skip Section 4 and 5.
Section 6 describes the linkage between specific energy conservation
measures and IEQ, highlighting measures that are particularly attractive
because they often improve IEQ while saving energy. This information
is provided in a table so readers can quickly identify the information
relevant to their situation. Some users of this document may not need to
read beyond Section 6 because their energy conservation efforts are not
likely to significantly influence IEQ. Section 7 provides a discussion of
the application of Section 6 to specific buildings. Section 8 addresses IEQ
measurement and verification (M&V). An overall IEQ M&V procedure
is provided along with a description of basic M&V approaches and a
table of M&V alternatives for specific IEQ parameters. The most prac-
tical and useful M&V alternatives are highlighted. Section 9 discusses
how to implement the concepts laid out in this document. Concluding
remarks and references are in Sections 10 and II, respectively.


General Introduction to Indoor

Environmental Quality

Many characteristics of the indoor environment may influence
comfort, health, satisfaction, and productivity of building occupants.
The following indoor environmental characteristics are most likely to
be influenced by building energy conservation measures:

  • indoor thermal conditions such as air temperature and its vertical
    gradient, mean radiant temperature, air velocity, and humidity;

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