Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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438 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

workers is more likely to be adversely affected by low lighting levels.
Women report non-specific health symptoms more frequently than men
do (Mendell 1993, Menzies and Bourbeau 1997). Workers in buildings
with prior or ongoing IAQ or thermal comfort problems may be more
likely to respond negatively to small decrements in IEQ.


Measurement And Verification

Alternatives for IEQ^1

As indicated in Table 2, most of the impacts of energy projects
on IEQ relate to thermal comfort or ventilation. Therefore, the most
common parameters subject to IEQ M&V will be thermal comfort pa-
rameters (e.g., temperatures and humidities) and ventilation rates. For
lighting retrofits, lighting-related M&V may sometimes be warranted.
Occasionally, M&V of other IEQ parameters may be warranted. Such
situations include, for example, building retrofits which move the out-
side air intake close to an outdoor pollutant source or measures, such as
installation of an economizer, that cause a large increase of ventilation
rate in a building located in a heavily polluted region. In such situations,
M&V for specific pollutants (e.g., ozone, particles, carbon monoxide,
or VOCs) may be desirable. Many IEQ measurements are expensive.
Measurements should be performed only when there are clear objectives
and the capabilities and intent to interpret the measurement results.

  1. IEQ measurement and verification (M&V) activities may be hazardous due
    to the potential for pollutant exposures, falls, and contact with high voltage
    or rotating equipment. Staff performing IEQ M&V should receive training
    in safe work practices. Reference documentation is available in the US
    EPA Orientation to Indoor Air Quality: Instructor Kit (or Student Manual).
    Ordering information can be found at
    baqapp2.html. These documents may also be purchased from the National
    Technical Information Service (NTIS), US Department of Commerce, 5285
    Port Royal Road, Springfield. VA 22161 (telephone 1-800-553-6847). The
    NTIS reference numbers are AVA 19276SS00 and AVA 19277B00 for the
    Instructor Kit and Student manual, respectively.

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