Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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440 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

Table 3: The M&V Procedure
Steps in the M&V Comments

  1. Define M&V goals See Section 8.2

  2. Select M&V staff a) Staff performing measurements must have neces-
    sary skills and knowledge; outside consultants with
    IEQ expertise are generally available. b) Owner
    should consider whether or not measurement staff
    should be independent of the organization (e.g.,
    ESCO) that benefits financially from positive findings
    or if there should be independent oversight.

  3. Select general See Section 8.5
    M&V approach

  4. Select specific IEQ
    parameters and
    M&V alternatives See Section 4, 6, and 8.6
    for measuring and
    predicting values of
    these parameters

  5. Establish plans for a) Generally, measured IEQ data or predictions
    interpreting M&V are compared to data or predictions from another
    data time period, to baseline data from a representative
    set of buildings, or to values listed in standards. b)
    See Section 4, 8.3, 8.5

  6. Define requirements
    for M&V accuracy Often the required accuracy depends on the expected
    and quality control magnitude of the change in IEQ
    procedures for

  7. A building with occupants that have excessive health or comfort complaints is a
    third potential context for IEQ M&V. However, this document is not intended as
    a guide for diagnosis or investigations of the causes of such complaints. Several
    existing documents may be consulted for such situations (e.g., EPA/NIOSH 1991;
    ISIAQ 1996 (in draft), ECA 1989, Weekes and Gammage 1990, Raferty 1993, Nathan-
    son 1995). Usually, a phased investigative approach is recommended Early phases
    include building inspections and discussions with building occupants. Expensive
    measurements are recommended only if necessary in subsequent phases of the in-
    vestigation. These guides point out the importance of maintaining open channels of
    communication about the complaints, about IAQ, and about the investigation.

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