Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

Appendix C 441

Table 3: The M&V Procedure (Continued)
a) Often, pre-retrofit values of IEQ parameters are
compared to post-retrofit values. b) Many IEQ pa-
rameters change with time because of changes in
building operation, indoor pollutant emission rates,
or outdoor air quality. Measurements should take
place under the relevant conditions (e.g., minimum
outside air supply) or they should average over the
range of conditions. If weather, outdoor air quality,

  1. Select measurement or occupancy differ significantly between the pre-
    and or assessment periods post-retrofit measurement
    periods, a comparison of pre-retrofit and post-retrofit
    measurements may not accurately indicate the effect
    of the energy conservation on IEQ. c) Indoor thermal
    conditions and pollutant concentrations in buildings
    do not respond instantly to changes in the controlling
    factors. d) Instantaneous measurements of tempera-
    tures, humidities, and air pollutant concentrations
    will often not be valuable.
    a) Thermal comfort standards provide guidance for
    measurement locations. b) Measurement locations
    should yield data representative of conditions experi-
    enced by occupants. Worst-case locations may also

  2. Select measurement be monitored. c) The breathing zone is most im-
    locations portant location for air pollutant measurements. d)
    Pollutant concentrations in HVAC return airstreams
    may approximately represent average concentration
    in section of building from which the return air is
    drawn (except with displacement ventilation).

  3. Define acceptable Expenditure should generally be small compared to
    M&V costs expected savings from energy conservation mea-

  4. Select M&V Instrumentation must satisfy accuracy, cost, and
    instrumentation data logging requirements

  5. Inform occupants of Unexplained measurements may cause occupants
    M&V plans concern about IEQ.

  6. Implement Methods employed should meet accuracy, space,
    measurements, temporal specifications and cost constraints.
    surveys, or modeling

  7. Analyze and report Results should generally be available to occupants.

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