Appendix C 451
31 Baughman, A. and Arens, E (1996) Indoor humidity and human health, part 1: lit-
erature review of health effects of humidity-influenced indoor pollutants, ASHRAE
Transactions 102(l): 193-211.
32 Bauman, F., Baughman, A., Carter, G., and Arens, E. (1997) A field study of PEM (Per-
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33 Bauman, F.S., Zhang, H., Arens, E.A., and Benton, C. (1993) Localized comfort control
with a desktop task conditioning system ASHRAE Transactions 99(2), pp. 733-749.
34 Bearg, D.W. (1993) Indoor air quality and HVAC systems, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea,
35 BEIR VI (1998) Health effects of exposure to radon: BEIR VI Committee on the Biological
Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VI), National Research Council, National Academy
36 Berman, S.M. (1992) Energy efficiency consequences of scotopic sensitivity, Journal of
the Illuminating Engineering Society 21(l): 3-14
37 Bluyssen, P.M., de Oliveira Fernandes, E., Groes, L., Clausen, G., Fanger, P.O., Valb-
jorn, O., Bernhard, C.A., and Roulet, C.A. (1996) European indoor air quality audit
project in 56 office buildings, Indoor Air 6(4): 221-238.
38 Brightman, H.S., Womble, S.E., Girman, JR., Sieber, W.K., McCarthy, J.F., Buck, R.I.,
and Spengler, J.D. (1997) Preliminary comparison of questionnaire data from two
IAQ studies: occupant and workspace characteristics of randomly selected buildings
and complaint buildings, Proceedings of Healthy Buildings/IAQ 97, vol. 2, pp. 453-458,
Healthy Buildings/IAQ 97 Washington DC
39 Bnmekreef, B.(1992) Damp housing and adult respiratory symptoms, Allergy 47:498-
40 Busch, J. (1992) A tale of two populations: thermal comfort in air-conditioned and
naturally ventilated offices in Thailand, Energy and Buildings 18: 235-249.
41 California EPA (1997) Health effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, final report
September 1997, California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, CA.
42 Carpenter, S.E. (1996) Energy and IAQ impacts of CO 2 -based demand-controlled
ventilation, To be published in ASHRAE Transactions 102(2): 80-88.
43 Charlesworth, P.S. (1988) Air exchange rate and air-tightness measurement techniques—an
application guide air infiltration and Ventilation Centre, Coventry, Great Britain.
44 Cohen, T. (1994) Providing constant ventilation in variable air volume systems,
ASHRAE Journal 36(5): 38-40.
45 Collins, B.L., Fisher, W., Gillette, G. and Marans, R.W. (1990) Second-level post-occu-
pancy evaluation analysis, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 19(2): 21-44
46 Committee on Health Effects of Indoor Allergens (1993) Indoor allergens: assessing
and controlling adverse health effects, Pope, A.M., Patterson, R., and Burge, H., editors,
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
47 Daisey, J.M., Hodgson, A.T., Fisk, W.J., Mendell, M.J., Ten Brinke, J.A. (1994) “Volatile
organic compounds in twelve California office buildings: classes, concentrations, and
sources,” Atmospheric Environment 28(22), pp. 3557-3562.
48 Dales, R.E.; Burnett, R.; and Zwanenburg, H. (1991) Adverse health effects among
adults exposed to home dampness and molds, American Review of Respiratory Disease
143: 505-509.
49 De Almeida, A.T. and Fisk, W.J. (1997) Sensor based demand controlled ventilation,
LBNL-40599, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.
50 De Dear, R. and Brager, G.S. (1998) Developing an adaptive model of thermal comfort
and preference, to be published in ASHRAE Transactions 104(l).
51 De Dear, R. and Fountain M. (1994) Field experiments on occupant comfort and office