Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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Appendix C 453

69 Federspiel, C.C. (1998) Statistical analysis of unsolicited thermal sensation complaints
in commercial buildings, ASHRAE Transactions 104(l): 912-923
70 Fisk, W.J. and deAlmeida, A.T.(1998) Sensor based demand controlled ventilation:
a review, LBNL-41698, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, to be
published in Energy and Buildings.
71 Fisk, W.J. and Rosenfeld, A.H. (1997) Estimates of improved productivity and health
from better indoor environments, InDoor Air 7(3): 158-172.
72 Fisk, W.J. and Rosenfeld, A.H. (1998) Potential nationwide improvements in produc-
tivity and health from better indoor environments, Proceedings of the ACEEE 1998
Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Energy Efficiency in a Competitive
Environment, August 23-28, Asilomar, CA, pp. 8.85-9.97.
73 Fisk, W.J., Faulkner, D., Sullivan, D., and Bauman, F (1997). Air change effectiveness
and pollutant removal efficiency during adverse mixing conditions, InDoor Air 7:
74 Fisk, W.J., Mendell, M.J., Daisey, J.M., Faulkner, D., Hodgson, A.T., Nematollahi, M.,
and Macher, J. (1993) “Phase 1 of the California Healthy Building Study: a summary”
Indoor Air 3(4): 246-254.
75 Fountain, M.E. and Huizenga, C. (1996): “A thermal comfort prediction tool,”
ASHRAE Journal 38(9): 3942.
76 Gammage, R.B. and Berven, B.A., eds. (1997) Indoor air and human health, second
edition. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
77 Givoni, B. (1997) Passive and low energy cooling of buildings, John Wiley & Sons, New
78 Hanley, J.T., Ensor, D.S., Smith, D.D., and Sparks, L.E. (1994) Fractional aerosol filtra-
tion efficiency of in-duct ventilation air cleaners, Indoor Air 4(3): 169-178.
79 Heiselberg, P. (1994) Draught risk from cold vertical surfaces, Building and Environ-
ment 29: 297-301.
80 Heiselberg, P., Overby, H., and Bjorn, E. (1995) Energy-efficient measures to avoid
downdraft from large glazed facades, ASHRAE Transactions 101 (2): 1127-1135.
81 Hodgson, A.T. (1995) A review and limited comparison of methods for measuring
total volatile organic compounds in indoor air, Indoor Air 5(4): 247-257.
82 Hygge, S. and Loftberg, H. (1998) User evaluation of visual comfort in some buildings
of the daylight Europe project, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Energy
Efficient Lighting, vol. 2, pp. 69-74, DEE Congress Service, Coppenhagen
83 IES (1993) Lighting handbook, reference & application, M.S. Rea Ed., Illuminating Engi-
neering Society of North America, New York
84 International Energy Agency (1990) Demand-controlled ventilating systems: state Of
the art review, (editor W. Raatschen) Published by the Swedish Council for Building
Research, Stockholm.
85 International Energy Agency (1992), Demand controlled ventilation systems—source book,
Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Programme, Swedish
Council for Building Research, Stockholm.
86 ISIAQ (1996) ISIAQ guidelines: Task Force II—general principles for the investiga-
tion of IAQ complaints (DRAFT -May 31,1996), International Society for Indoor Air
Quality and Climate, Ottawa (
87 ISO (1994) ISO 7730:1994 Moderate thermal environments—determination of the PMV
and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort, International
Organization for Standardization
88 Jaakkola, J.K.; Hemonen, O.P.; and Seppanen, O. (1991) Mechanical ventilation in of-
fice buildings and the sick building syndrome. An experimental and epidemiological
study, Indoor Air 2: 111-121.

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