Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1
Index 461

money 128

Natural Gas Policy Act 157
net present value (NPV) 47, 49

obligations 108
obligor credit risk 105
off-balance sheet financing 47
Office of Commercial High Perfor-
mance Green Buildings 147
operating expenses 53
operating hours 171
operations and maintenance
(O&M) 90

par value or face value 47
payback calculations 89
performance contract 8
performance contracting 32,86
performance risk 107
Portfolio Manager 56
power factor meter 163
power purchase agreements 70
preferred stock 47
prequalification criteria 89
profits 113
project financing 47
public sector 66
Public Utilities Regulatory Policies
Act (PURPA) 156
Public Utility Holding Company
Act of 1935 157
purchase 5

quantity 90

rachet clause 167
radon gas 194
rate structure 166
reciprocal business agreements
Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)
rent 6
repayment obligation 108
revenue-enhancing projects 113
revenue bonds 65
right of assignment 111
risk assessment 104

safety 186
checklist 172
equipment 164, 172
secured loan 48
security deposit 6
selling stock 21
smart grid 149
smoke generator 164
smoke sources 181
stock 6
structural risk 107

tax-exempt lease-purchase agree-
ments 65
taxes 109
tax benefits 36
termination provisions 110
thermometers 162
The Energy Policy Act 145
The Energy Policy Act of 1992 151
third-party lease 8
Title I 146
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