48 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success
Entity (SPE) is constructed. The SPE serves as a special bank account.
All funds are sent to the SPE, from which all construction costs are
paid. Then all savings cash flows are also distributed from the SPE. The
SPE is essentially a mini-company, with the sole purpose of funding a
Secured Loan
Loan that pledges assets as collateral. Thus, in the event that the
borrower defaults on payments, the lender has the legal right to seize
the collateral and sell it to pay off the loan.
True Lease or Operating Lease or Tax-Oriented Lease
Type of lease, normally involving equipment, whereby the contract
is written for considerably less time than the equipment’s life, and the
lessor handles all maintenance and servicing; also called service lease.
Operating leases are the opposite of capital leases, where the lessee
acquires essentially all the economic benefits and risks of ownership.
Common examples of equipment financed with operating leases are of-
fice copiers, computers, automobiles and trucks. Most operating leases
are cancelable.
WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)
The firm’s average cost of capital, as a function of the proportion of dif-
ferent sources of capital: Equity, Debt, Preferred Stock, etc. For example,
a firm’s target capital structure is:
Capital Source Weight (wi)
Debt 30%
Common Equity 60%
Preferred Stock 10%
and the firm’s costs of capital are:
before tax cost of debt = kd = 10%
cost of common equity = ks = 15%
cost of preferred stock = kps = 12%
Then the weighted average cost of capital will be:
WACC= wdkd(1-T) + wsks +wpskps
where wi = weight of Capital Sourcei