Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

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58 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

Target Finder
Target Finder is another ENERGY STAR interactive energy man-
agement tool that helps design teams establish an energy performance
target for new projects and major building renovations early in the design
process. This target or goal serves as a reference for comparing energy
strategies and choosing the best technologies and practices for achieving
the performance goal. As the design nears completion, architects enter the
project’s estimated energy consumption, and Target Finder generates an
energy performance rating based on the same underlying database ap-
plied to existing buildings in Portfolio Manager.
The energy use intensity generated by Target Finder reflects the dis-
tribution of energy performance in commercial buildings derived from
CBECS data. The required data inputs (square footage, hours of opera-
tion, etc.) were found to be the primary drivers of energy use. The proj-
ect’s ZIP code is used to determine the climate conditions that the build-
ing would experience in a normal year (based on a 30-year climate aver-
age). The total annual energy use intensity for the target is based on the
energy fuel mix typical in the region specified by the ZIP code. Target
Finder displays the percent electricity and natural gas defaults used to
calculate design targets. Users may enter their own fuel mix, but electric-
ity must be selected as one of the choices. Site and source energy calcula-
tions are shown for both energy use intensity and total annual energy. The
EPA rating, however, is calculated from source energy use.
EPA’s Target Finder helps architects and building owners set ag-
gressive, realistic energy targets and rate a design’s intended energy use.
Making energy efficiency a design requirement is the most cost-effective
way to insure superior energy performance in your properties.

Building Upgrade Value Calculator
The Building Upgrade Value Calculator is built on a Microsoft
EXCEL™ platform and is a product of the partnership between EPA’s
ENERGY STAR, BOMA International, and the BOMA Foundation. The
Building Upgrade Value Calculator estimates the financial impact of pro-
posed investments in energy efficiency in office properties. The calcula-
tions are based on data input by the user, representing scenarios and con-
ditions present at their properties. Required inputs are limited to general
characteristics of the building, plus information on the proposed invest-
ments in energy efficiency upgrades.
The calculator’s analysis includes the following information:
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