Fishing vessels offera bonanza of foodfor seabirds, but theyproved fatal to thesealbatrosses and white-chinned petrels (blackbirds on perimeter)caught in 2017 on tunalonglines off SouthAfricaâs coast. Thanksto sustainable fish-ing practices, annualbird bycatch off SouthAfrica now numbersonly in the hundreds.Globally, however,more than 300,000seabirds are killed bylonglines alone.
PREVIOUS PHOTOIn Peruâs Lobos deAfuera Islands, a cen-tury of loss from guanoharvesting, overfishing,andârecentlyâclimatechange lies between a1907 photograph of aPeruvian pelican breed-ing colony and thelandscape of litteredbones on the same spotin 2017. Starvation, cou-pled with El Niño rains,likely killed most of thechicks in the precedingbreeding season.ROBERT E. COKER, NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC CREATIVE(ARCHIVAL IMAGE)
martin jones
(Martin Jones)