National Geographic

(Martin Jones) #1

A photo taken in Stuttgart’s Stadtbibliothekinspired Dölz to visit the library with his owncamera. Designed by architect Eun Young Yi, thesleek building opened in 2011. Dölz, who lives nearStuttgart, chose the vantage point with maximumlight and waited for a balanced composition: awoman walking, some people seated in the cafe-teria upstairs. Back at his computer, he increasedthe contrast and exposure and reduced yellowsaturation to make the image white and bright.``````WHOHans-Martin Dölz, a retiredfinancial controller and nowa fine art photographerWHEREStuttgart, Germany’smunicipal library, known asthe StadtbibliothekWHATA Leica M9-P camera witha 35mm lensHANS-MARTIN DÖLZPHOTOS FROM OUR COMMUNITY``````Join National Geographic’s Your Shot community and share your photos at``````YOUR SHOT144 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

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